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Why do we manage wild deer?
Throughout the U.K. we have 6 species of deer. Roe, Fallow and Red deer make up our native species, whilst Muntjac, Sika and Chinese Water Deer are non-native.
In the absence of natural predation, each of these species' population are not only increasing, but rapidly expanding in range.
Whilst you may not often see wild deer, due to their typical feeding activity (dawn and dusk), they can have a severe impact on our native flora and fauna, as well as our ancient woodlands and agricultural crops.
Deer Management means culling to a plan which best replicates a similar impact to that of natural predation, whilst ensuring healthy, sustainable wild deer populations.

At present there is close to 2 million wild deer in the UK, with estimates of numbers thought to be at their highest level for over 1000 years.
Deer have NO natural predators in the UK, therefore the role of human control becomes very important.
*This image of a herd of wild Fallow deer was taken by ourselves, you can see the majority are breeding females.
Our Deer Management Services
We have over 35 years of experience managing wild deer and able to offer expert advice, from the practical knowledge gained during this period. These are the services we can offer your business, working transparently as a consultant or direct to the client.

Estate Deer Management/Cull
A large part of our work is deer culling (where there are abundant populations) in order to maintain, and in some cases, improve herd quality, but keeping numbers to a size that is acceptable to estate owner, farmer & forester alike. Culling is done based on our deer management plan, which is site specific.
What are the benefits of deer management?Deer should be identified as a threat to semi-natural woodlands, particularly where their browsing negatively impacts woodland regeneration, features, ground flora, or overall structure. The benefits of their active management can include: Ecosystem Balance/Restoration: Reduces deer browsing and grazing impacts to woodlands, ground flora and vulnerable features in the wider landscape enabling damaged ecosystems to recover Improves woodland structural and species diversity helping to increase resilience to climate change, pests and diseases Ensures the population of deer is sustainable for the appropriate habitat Stewardship Grant Compliance: Ensures land managers/farmers adherence to Countryside Stewardship Grants (WS1 & WD2) requirements to maintain eligibility for financial support. Protecting Public Investment: With increases in investment in woodland improvement through the WD2 grant, we need to ensure we are mitigating the risks involved that directly impact that work. This means controlling deer if they are identified as a threat in the woodland management plan, implementing a Deer Management Plan and managing deer populations using lethal control or fencing to allow establishment of ground flora and understory. Revenue Generation: Potential to generate revenue through the sporting asset, including sale of venison and guided stalking.
How do you implement safe deer management?We implement site-specific deer management using a fully trained, responsible team. Our team consists of competent and qualified deer stalkers who are experienced, fully insured and have professional references. We design areas to facilitate discreet, effective, and safe deer control, employing deer lawns, glades, and rides with secure backstops, and utilizing high seats where necessary. Before commencing any activity, we provide a comprehensive health and safety plan and conduct thorough risk assessments for all clients.

Our Responsible & Sustainable Approach
- We are committed to educating and promoting the benefits of responsible and sustainable Deer Management.
- ​We are committed to promoting the benefits of how effective deer culling is intrinsic to enhancing habitat diversity and responsible woodland management.
- We are committed to protecting deer welfare, with humane and effective management strategies to keep populations healthy and in control.
Our Deer Management Experience
- For 20+ years we have managed deer over 10,000+ acres
- Experience with all 6 deer species and wild Boar
- Proven experience of working in public forests
- Experience of management within Ancient/semi-natural woodland
- Management within SSSI sites
- Management of urban deer
- Management of deer parks
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