With the Roe Rut now a distant memory, it’s time to turn our attention to Fallow deer and taking advantage of the fields that are newly harvested.
Small groups of Fallow bucks will be moving back to areas that they favour for the Rut (in October) and the older bucks that are now in clean antler will become more solitary and start to mark their territory by scraping and fraying.
Deer Talk/Things To Consider For September:
At this time of the year we reconsider highseat positions and may start to move seats back onto woodland rides.
Rides will need to be mowed and lines of sight maintained (cutting back of branches) in readiness for the incoming Doe season.
Check your mineral lick sites and replenish blocks, especially as Fallow will have targeted those sites to boost nutrient intake during the Summer.
We personally don’t go too heavy on our Fallow buck cull in early Autumn, as it only serves to educate the Doe population and would impact on the early successes of our cull effort.

Gear Talk: VORN DLS [Dynamic Load System]
"Build your own custom setup with VORN's Dynamic Load System," they say on the website. Well, that’s putting it mildly, isn't it? The DLS is less like a backpack and more like hunting Lego for adults. And I mean, the best kind—where if you've got the right pieces, you can assemble something that makes even MacGyver look underprepared!

Whether you're needing to carry a Roebuck out of the woods in the summer heat, a Chamois down a mountainside in winter (with your rifle) or even as basic as needing a daypack to take on your walks with the kids & dogs - this thing adapts! VORN doesn’t just want you to survive on your outdoor pursuits; they want you to dominate them with purpose and style!
You're probably already thinking... Well, how does this work then?! Say no more...
Watch our 'first look' video below:
What's New:
Since our last email, we've released some new films that you might be interested in. We have a brand new film (out today) which is a hunt with Frank Midbøe of VORN after his first English Roebuck and Muntjac! You can watch that below:
We also have a film out hunting with Norman and his son, Luke Mulvany with Irish Safaris from last year's Roe Rut. You can watch that here.
One last thing you might be interested in: a pro deer management article from Farmers Weekly, highlighting the need for farmer's to tackle the ever-growing deer populations and also addressing the incentives such as Higher Tier Countryside Stewardship grants available. You can read that here.